He can be critical, impossible to please, or verbally abusive. He can also be warm and loving, and charming in public. Before you made a commitment to him, all he wanted was sex. Now, he’s hardly interested. He can be so passive you want to scream and he isn’t interested in your triumphs or problems. You both work at full-time jobs, but you do the cooking, cleaning and laundry, while he watches a football game.
Difficult men come in all shapes and sizes. The problems they bring with them may run from the infuriating and even scary, to the merely annoying and frustrating. What wouldn’t you give to be able to get what you really want from your difficult man?
If women were randomly asked whether their man was “difficult,” most would say yes. Now psychotherapist Nancy Good explores why these men are difficult and why, if a woman wants to save the relationship, she can get emotional riches beyond her wildest dreams.
First, by understanding his problems as well as her own, and then learning when to take emotional risks and ask for what she wants. In almost every situation, she will wind up with a rewarding and fulfilling relationship.
How to Love a Difficult Man shows women how to break destructive patterns and avoid getting trapped by guilt, powerlessness, and depression. Every woman can learn to recognize when she is being emotionally attacked and how to protect herself. Through the techniques found in this book, she can rediscover the happiness, the nurturing, and the loving she felt when she first fell in love.
How do you love a difficult man? The answer is not mysterious. The tools lie within you; the techniques and the confidence you need are in this book.
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