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Feed on a delicious, non-fattening treat! Filled with colorful New York City characters and scenes, this novel will make you laugh as it offers a frisson of nervous jitters. –Sonia Pilcer, author, The Last Hotel: A Novel in Suites
First in the Melanie Deming Manhattan series
My feet pounded the pavement. Four blocks to go to finish three miles. By this hour lights were off in most stores. Midnight was not my preferred running time, but you gotta do what you gotta do…
Chapter One
Never eat ingredients you can’t pronounce. Except quinoa. You should eat quinoa – Melanie Deming
His lips met mine, warm, accepting, passionate. The glorious kiss touched every part….“What happened to the crème fraiche? Are you still asleep?” Hurricane Daniel stomped through the bedroom, roaring through my dream.
Click here to see Nancy on Coffee Chat,
a terrific interview with Ally Shields
FIVE STARS Reader’s Favorite
Feed on a delicious, non-fattening treat! Filled with colorful New York City characters and scenes, this novel will make you laugh as it offers a frisson of nervous jitters. –Sonia Pilcer, author, The Last Hotel: A Novel in Suites
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About the Author
I’ve been an avid mystery reader since childhood. In my family we passed around John le Carré’s The Spy Who Came In From the Cold and read Sherlock Holmes together. Susan Isaacs, Sue Grafton, Tana French and Rhys Bowen are among mystery writers I admire. There are many, many others.
I’ve lived in Manhattan most of my adult life. NYC is an amazing and challenging place to live since life is fast paced and intense. Laid back is not practiced in Manhattan. It’s a perfect setting for murder.
I started out writing nonfiction and wrote several books including a bestseller, How to Love a Difficult Man.
Mysteries, though, are my passion. Introducing here the “Killer” series with NYC amateur sleuth, Melanie Deming. The books are in progress but you’ll get a chance in these pages to get to know Melanie Deming’s Manhattan and how she stays in shape to fight off murderers.
Stay tuned for updates about Killer Calories, first in the Melanie Deming Manhattan murder series and tips for living like a New Yorker. Never pay full price for anything and avoid lines!
When not writing mysteries, you’ll find me singing in one of NYC’s many fine choruses performing at Carnegie Hall, Rose Theatre, City Center, or in a gorgeous Madison Avenue church. Will a NYC concert chorus one day be a setting for murder? Hmm…